Current Known Issues with the Version Update (Sep. 25)

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We have confirmed the following issues after the version update that took place on Sep. 25, 2012.

- The game may crash when items are displayed in your inventory or in the purchase screen on NPCs. (Windows and Xbox 360 only)

- The incorrect options are displayed when checking the exit in the Mog House for the following areas:
Southern San d?Oria / Windurst Waters / Bastok Markets

- Monsters that normally drop the ?Kindred?s Crest? and ?High Kindred?s Crest? may drop the ?Beastmen?s Seal? and ?Kindred?s Seal.?

The following reports are currently being reviewed:

- The incorrect item name may be displayed.
*This has not yet been determined to be an issue, but we are receiving numerous reports from our players which we are reviewing to make a confirmation.

We apologize for the inconvenience that the above issues are causing and thank you for your patience.
