Current Known Issues (Sep. 30)

RSS News

Syndicated News Service
As of Sep. 30, 2010, we have confirmed the following issues.
Investigation and recovery work is currently underway. We ask for your patience in this matter until the issues have been resolved.

[Current Known Issues]

The effects of the following Atma are being incorrectly displayed in their notes:

Atma of the Ebon Hoof
Wrong: HP+: Major
Correct: HP+: Superior

Atma of the Sanguine Scythe
Wrong: HP+: Superior
Correct: HP+: Major

Atma of Allure
Wrong: MP+: Major
Correct: MP+: Superior

Atma of the Heir
Wrong: MP+: Major
Correct: MP+: Minor

Atma of the Banisher
Wrong: MP+: Major
Correct: MP+: Minor

* Corrected a description error for "Atma of Allure," "Atma of the Heir," and "Atma of the Banisher" on Sep. 30, 2010 at 22:45 (PDT).

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
