Current Known Issues (Jun. 24)

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As of the Jun. 21, 2010 version update, we have confirmed the following issues. Investigation and recovery work is currently underway. We ask for your patience in this matter until this issue is resolved.

[Current Known Issues]

- There are times when going to Abyssea via the "Cavernous Maw," the screen goes black.

- Cannot purchase bag of La Theine millet from NPC "Ferdoulemiont" in Southern San d'Oria.

- Depending on the state of the Windurst Mission "Vain," one may not be able to advance in the quest "Face of the Future."

- If one logs out or changes area after failing the quest "The Truth Lies Hid," one may not be able to restart the quest.

- The background music may stop playing after changing areas in the quest "Chasing Shadows."

* These issues were resolved as of the version update performed on Jun.25, 2010 at 10:00 (PDT).

Also, while this is not an issue, the following will be changed in the near future:

- Even after trading an elixir to the NPC while progressing in the quest "The Truth Lies Hid," the item will no longer be retained.
