Current Known Issue (Oct. 14)

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Syndicated News Service
As of Oct. 14, 2010, we have confirmed the following issue. Investigation and recovery work is currently underway. We ask for your patience in this matter until the issue has been resolved.

[Issue details]

- In Abyssea - Vunkerl (I-8), it is possible to abuse aspects of the terrain in order to immobilize certain Notorious Monsters, enabling players to take almost no damage in battle.

*Although the utilization of terrain in battle in itself is not a violation, abusing terrain in the manner described above, in any area, is considered a violation of the user agreement and we ask that you refrain from doing so.

*Updated on Oct. 19, 2010 at 9:25 (PDT) to prohibit terrain abuse in any area.

Thank you for your understanding in this matter.
