I recently started an alt, and I'm redoing ARR, and kinda and I have a lot of fun with re-experiencing the early game (more than I had in DT, actually), but there is one thing that annoys me : you get so much xp from the msq, that it makes every content irrelevant, despite not using the rings/earrings to get more xp, and creating the character on a server without the xp bonus. I get so much xp, that at msq lvl 21, I was 9 lvl over the msq lvl, while I only did the msq, the job classes, the hunting log for the job, 1 FATES, and maybe a dozen lvl 1 to 7 side quests (quest that give like 120 xp and some shard for craft). It's ridiculous.
Part of the pleasure of early game is trying everything, unlocking the side activities, doing a some fates to get GC seal to buy retainer money, etc. This fast leveling also makes the vast number of gear irrelevant, since you get lvl up so fast, it's not worth anymore.
I get it, to make it easier for the players that are there only for the story, something like that had to be done, but honestly, there are people like those kind of side activities and a slower pace (I began at a time when I could do unlock side dungeons, do fates, and still not getting overleveled) , especially on a reroll. Without needing to lvl up several job without largely overlvling by far the msq (I'm currently at 3 jobs on parallels that all overlvl the msq, and I'm pondering.
That's why I suggestion an item (a ring maybe?) that reduce the quest xp given (by half, maybe by 2/3?), so those who wan can enjoy the game in a way closer to what it was designed to be, while leaving the people that want to rush the early game continue as it is now.
(Overall, I think the Msq giving enough xp kinda helped to make the overworld more shallow, but that's a question for another time).
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Part of the pleasure of early game is trying everything, unlocking the side activities, doing a some fates to get GC seal to buy retainer money, etc. This fast leveling also makes the vast number of gear irrelevant, since you get lvl up so fast, it's not worth anymore.
I get it, to make it easier for the players that are there only for the story, something like that had to be done, but honestly, there are people like those kind of side activities and a slower pace (I began at a time when I could do unlock side dungeons, do fates, and still not getting overleveled) , especially on a reroll. Without needing to lvl up several job without largely overlvling by far the msq (I'm currently at 3 jobs on parallels that all overlvl the msq, and I'm pondering.
That's why I suggestion an item (a ring maybe?) that reduce the quest xp given (by half, maybe by 2/3?), so those who wan can enjoy the game in a way closer to what it was designed to be, while leaving the people that want to rush the early game continue as it is now.
(Overall, I think the Msq giving enough xp kinda helped to make the overworld more shallow, but that's a question for another time).
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