I was thinking about a simple change to SGE that would not alter its kit/playstyle and I'm trying to gauge whether it would help the class (and if so how much) or if it's just a dead end.
So if experienced players could give me some feedback whether they think this change could improve sage, would make it unbalanced or would be largely inconsequential that would be great:
Could there be merit in changing Toxicon's/Toxicon II's "Target's damage taken" debuff from 10% to 20%, or perhaps 15% (while keeping the rest of the kit as it is)?
My train of thought was that sage would get a more powerful debuff with high usage frequency/availability that could improve its value in (high level) team fights while still being team-reliant as a downside of the buff. Your team would need to be coordinated to exploit it otherwise its effect might be neglectible.
(Though it would also help sage's personal damage and perhaps indirectly even its survivability because it would be a bit more dangerous in 1v1 duels which could deter players from sinking too many of their resources into chasing them?)
Since sage's shields/heals and team-wide defense capabilities are ok/serviceable but not on the level of AST, WHM or SCH (as far as I'm aware) while the latter three also have support, debuff and/or CC abilities that range from Really Good to Insane on top of that, I thought sage being a constant/perpetual debuffer or poisoner (would fit the toxicon theme) but in a way that works a bit different from SCH could be its niche.
I think this niche would seamlessly integrate into its current playstyle, hence you wouldn't have to take away what makes it fun/defines it while boosting its effectiveness.
The toxicon debuff is AoE but the range is quite small (much smaller than SCH's spread) so you often hit 1 or 2 targets with a charge. I think that would balance out the relatively high frequency of a 20% debuff compared to SCH (but does it actually?).
So whereas AST and WHM lean a bit heavier towards healing than support (with their support still being crazy), SCH and SGE could lean more towards support/utility with more "secondary" (big quotation marks) but still valuable/impactful healing/shielding.
But then again, maybe 20% (or 15%) of a nearly constant (small Aoe) increase to taken damage could be too much and too unbalanced over the course of a whole game?
Or it could be the other way round and it would not do nearly as much as I assume it would?
What do you think? Your ideas are very welcome.
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So if experienced players could give me some feedback whether they think this change could improve sage, would make it unbalanced or would be largely inconsequential that would be great:
Could there be merit in changing Toxicon's/Toxicon II's "Target's damage taken" debuff from 10% to 20%, or perhaps 15% (while keeping the rest of the kit as it is)?
My train of thought was that sage would get a more powerful debuff with high usage frequency/availability that could improve its value in (high level) team fights while still being team-reliant as a downside of the buff. Your team would need to be coordinated to exploit it otherwise its effect might be neglectible.
(Though it would also help sage's personal damage and perhaps indirectly even its survivability because it would be a bit more dangerous in 1v1 duels which could deter players from sinking too many of their resources into chasing them?)
Since sage's shields/heals and team-wide defense capabilities are ok/serviceable but not on the level of AST, WHM or SCH (as far as I'm aware) while the latter three also have support, debuff and/or CC abilities that range from Really Good to Insane on top of that, I thought sage being a constant/perpetual debuffer or poisoner (would fit the toxicon theme) but in a way that works a bit different from SCH could be its niche.
I think this niche would seamlessly integrate into its current playstyle, hence you wouldn't have to take away what makes it fun/defines it while boosting its effectiveness.
The toxicon debuff is AoE but the range is quite small (much smaller than SCH's spread) so you often hit 1 or 2 targets with a charge. I think that would balance out the relatively high frequency of a 20% debuff compared to SCH (but does it actually?).
So whereas AST and WHM lean a bit heavier towards healing than support (with their support still being crazy), SCH and SGE could lean more towards support/utility with more "secondary" (big quotation marks) but still valuable/impactful healing/shielding.
But then again, maybe 20% (or 15%) of a nearly constant (small Aoe) increase to taken damage could be too much and too unbalanced over the course of a whole game?
Or it could be the other way round and it would not do nearly as much as I assume it would?
What do you think? Your ideas are very welcome.
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