Cool Article


Unicorns are kickass!
What blew my mind was the wireless power. How they explained it makes sense but I still can't see how it can be 100% safe. Either way that is awesome.
Most of the list seems decent, with 2 reservations. "Any phone on any wireless network" would be wonderful, but I don't see it happening anytime soon. As much as I would like sanity to finally gain a grip in the cellphone market, it seems too far off at the moment. Maybe consumers will finally get fed up with the current state of affairs and force some change, but the network providers have a stranglehold on things. Everyone needs a cellphone these days, so it's not like people can just say "forget it, I'll do without." Really hard to switch when the competitors' plans have the same restrictions, not to mention the big fees for breaking your contract.

Side note: I actually don't have a cellphone. ^_^;; For most people I know, I'm the only person they know without one (and certainly among the people they know in the tech industry).

The other problem I have with the list is Windows 7. I mean come on, really? It's going to change everything? Baloney. It will change some things for the better, but it's not going to reinvent your computer experience. It doesn't deserve to be on the list.
Some wireless networks actually loan out or share their towers for use to other towers. For it to be full blown "any phone on any network" will take time, but I think it is definitely a possibility.
I have this one Japanese girl who is a friend of ours... who does not have a cell phone either... *GASP* I know, Japanese girl? No phone!? Impossible! BUT it is TRUE!

We love her to death but HATE arranging meeting times/places. She has NO phone and rarely checks email... but yet wants us to let her know what we are doing.

I actually don't know her reason, I'll have to be rude and ask. lol.
I actually don't know her reason, I'll have to be rude and ask. lol.
I'll give mine. I'm not opposed to cellphones and used to have one. When I moved back to OK, the place I was staying at had really poor reception on my network. I hadn't been using it much, so I finally just cancelled.

Now that I've moved back into Tulsa, I should be back in range. But when I look at the 2+ year lock-in on the contracts, their ability to increase their fees at will, and the large penalty for switching networks early if I don't like their service, I just want to stay out of the whole mess. I've recently been tempted by my coworkers' iPhones, and Android seems to have long-term potential, but I'm going to hold off for now in hopes that the market will move in more consumer-friendly directions.

Which means I'm unlikely to get a cellphone anytime soon. ^_^;;
Most of the electronics stuff will probably be due to MEMS technology advances. MEMS heavily borrow from current IC technology so I think its only natural that electronics will be MEMS based. Heck for those of you who use the Wii, the Wiimote is already using MEMS based technology.

Re: Windows 7.
I read about it back in August. The PCMag editorial about Win7 wrote that it felt like it is Balmer's first non Bill Gates era attempt to put his stamp on the company. By making Win7 slim, sleek and portable, they hope to be able to appease the Vista haters (and to some extent XP haters too).