I use an 8bitDo Ultimate Bluetooth controller, in 2.4 GHz mode, connected wirelessly with the controller's dongle, on Windows 10. The controller has not worked correctly in XIV since the 7.16 hotfix maintenance & patch last week; most of the inputs either don't work or are treated as though they were other inputs. It worked fine before the 7.16 hotfix. It still works fine in other games and in this gamepad tester: https://hardwaretester.com/gamepad
I was able to test an Xbox Series X|S controller and it still works correctly in XIV.
Note: this controller has Nintendo labelling but I will refer to the buttons as though they had the XBox labels, since XIV behaves as though they do. For instance, the lowermost face button has a "B" printed on it but on an XBox controller it would be labelled "A", and it normally does all the things that the XIV interface indicates are done by the "A" button, so I will call it A.
Also, all my descriptions of moving my character are with legacy movement.
Currently the controller has the following behaviour in XIV:
- LB: behaves normally
- RB: behaves normally
- D-pad left: moves character left
- D-pad right: moves character right
- Right thumbstick tilted left: moves character away from camera
- Right thumbstick tilted right: moves character towards camera
- L3: A button effect, ie it does what the A button should do
- R3: B button effect
- View button: Y button effect
- Menu button: X button effect
- A: left trigger effect
- B: right trigger effect
- Y: R3 effect
- all other inputs: no effect
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I was able to test an Xbox Series X|S controller and it still works correctly in XIV.
Note: this controller has Nintendo labelling but I will refer to the buttons as though they had the XBox labels, since XIV behaves as though they do. For instance, the lowermost face button has a "B" printed on it but on an XBox controller it would be labelled "A", and it normally does all the things that the XIV interface indicates are done by the "A" button, so I will call it A.
Also, all my descriptions of moving my character are with legacy movement.
Currently the controller has the following behaviour in XIV:
- LB: behaves normally
- RB: behaves normally
- D-pad left: moves character left
- D-pad right: moves character right
- Right thumbstick tilted left: moves character away from camera
- Right thumbstick tilted right: moves character towards camera
- L3: A button effect, ie it does what the A button should do
- R3: B button effect
- View button: Y button effect
- Menu button: X button effect
- A: left trigger effect
- B: right trigger effect
- Y: R3 effect
- all other inputs: no effect
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