Anyone have an idea if that would work? You contract people to GM 24/7 every GM you contract works in a timezone and you can keep track of their hours. I feel like just having 1 GM present for RMT per server active at all time is not that expensive. Would it save them money is my question.
So lets say misty regions your TZ is EST and your usual play hours are 6am- 11am and you can follow up if I logged in by tracking my hours and my activity. You can dual box or cruise around on your main and if you come across a train of bots you hop on over and boom fill your quota to get paid.
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So lets say misty regions your TZ is EST and your usual play hours are 6am- 11am and you can follow up if I logged in by tracking my hours and my activity. You can dual box or cruise around on your main and if you come across a train of bots you hop on over and boom fill your quota to get paid.
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