Content getting harder to pop

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Okay so I live in eu and everything i say is entirely subjective to EU population, but I am extremely concerned about the state of the game in the last 3 months. lately nothing i que for seams to pop without ridiculously long que timers.

in PF the savage tier is basically dead in if its not between 7-9st (which is a very small window to play this content) cloud of darkness pf seams to be shrinking as well with that content basically not going until about 3pm and its went from 20 pf to about 3 tops.

Roulettes on average as a tank take over 5 minutes to pop which is honestly crazy. dps ques don't even pop for upwards for 30 minutes and healers instantly pop which means you either play healer or nothing (not exactly the best look when it says TANK in need constantly.) which just clogs the que up more with tanks. My boyfriend recently made a new character and he made a healer, too and even he couldn't get the older content to pop, average wait times for trails were over 15 minutes (as a healer) and since he was new he'd be pulling in mentors yet it still wasn't enough

pvp crystalline conflict has been notoriously bad too with it popping only after 11am consistently and its always the same 15 people from the pool as well, so even less of the availed spammable content is active. and while one might say "its the time of week" I have this problem on weekends too

fishing boats are almost always under capacity as well tho this is from observation not direct engagement. overworld fates are generally dead in DT zones and only S-ranks and A-ranks trains being the only thing people do now consistently.

Now I give these perspective from light DC and i've heard chaos is even worse if not damn near unviable as a datacenter. but of course your mileage may vary. all i wish to do is point out that the games current content cycle and release schedule has been increased to on average 19 weeks (its pretty much to the T) which is 5 months and not the 4-4.5 months we were told it would increase to. and this is having very bad impacts on the population of the game right now.. It's never felt this bad in the 6 years i've played

This is also very upsetting when I continuously see alternative clients like MOBILE and now CHINA EXCLUSIVE client getting updates more than the main game. but hey maybe ur experiences are different, maybe im only this games target audience between 7 and 9 PM st. /shrug



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