Concitation's Sound Effect

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Just to give a break from the healer design discussions, there is something that I have found extremely enjoyable.

To me, Concitation has a "glass-like" clink sound that is both distinctive (even amongst other explosive sounds, you can hear the SCH's Concitation easily) and subtle (unlike Succor is), that also has a positive connotation (glass clinking is usually more celebratory/with friends thing).

All those things make it a pretty enjoyable spell to use (in the rarer cases you need it). I don't think non-healers realize it, but when I'm not playing SCH, it does cheer me up a bit to hear (which...I guess fits the word concitation well).

Anyway, just a passing thought I've had over the past 8 months since DT released.

(I can understand if some folks don't like it. Glass-like sounds can instead be grating to some folks.)

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