Code Geass


The crappy RNG
Ultima Legacy
Code Geass has my nomination as the best anime this season. The plot is not what I'd call completely original, but it's still quite good, the characters are very likeable, and the characters are drawn by CLAMP. If you haven't seen it I'd really recommend taking a look at it.
It basically is Death Note, with a few political plot changes :P but I do think the story and animation are very high quality. This show, Mamoru-kun, and Ghost Hunt are topping my list this season for stuff to absolutely not miss.

HA, this show is now on Adult Swim. First episode was tonight at 1:30am. I still prefer it in japanese with english subs, though. I remember when Aqua first told me to get this series, did I ever thank you for that Aqua? <3
ugh, I keep meaning to go get this series! It looks so good. But I hear they're making a second season now too. So maybe I'll wait til that's complete.

try That's where I got it. Could also try, and
swing by /a/ some time soj, it will assault you in the face, 90% of the threads are about this show... lol...

Anybody seen the Second season yet!!!! full of win~ lol