CNJ Y'shtola

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So mostly out of curiosity I just checked what all Y'shtola has in 6.x dungeons when healing. The numbers are specifically from a run of the Lunar Subterrene. They're all prefixed with "Scion's" (in JP at least) so they're technically not the same spell as WHM's.

For attacks:
Stone, StoneIV, Water, WaterIV, Aero, AeroIV, Holy, and Flare

For healing:
CureII, Medica, MedicaII, maybe Raise but not for you

She casts Stone, Aero, and Water the most frequently, which are all weaker single-target damaging spells with no other effect, each doing roughly 4k damage. Their cast time is really short, about 1s. Stone and Aero use the same cast/release animations as the player's, while Water uses Esuna's.

AeroIV and WaterIV are casted a little less often, and are aoes that seem to do around 23k damage in total, split evenly across all enemies in range if there's more than one.
StoneIV's also casted about as often but seems to be single target only, doing the same amount. StoneIV's animation is the same as WHM's, while AeroIV uses AeroIII's and WaterIV uses the BLM casting animation. They seem to have longer cast times than their lv1 counterparts.

Flare and Holy are her strongest spells, doing around 38k, and are also aoes split the same way as AeroIV and WaterIV. She doesn't cast them often, but usually casts them back-to-back when she does. They're both targeted, with Holy using WHM's animation and Flare using BLM's.

CureII, Medica, MedicaII work the same way as the player's spells.

As far as I could tell there doesn't seem to be anything limiting her from casting certain attacks multiple times, so I'd guess they're selected through an RNG table or something along that line.

While she does have the visual variety she really has just 4 kinds of GCD attacks and 3 heals. I do think it's kinda noteworthy that lv90 dungeons are healable with just those 3 spells, though.

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