Child's Play

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Whip out your whetstones and burnish your blades, for the time has come to pay tribute to deeds of dauntlessness and derring-do, kupo!

Yes, 'tis the season for the Feast of Swords, the famed Far Eastern festival celebrating young boys' bravery that has caught on like wildfire amongst the lionhearted ladies of the land as well!

All is proceeding according to our Machiavellian moogle machinations! Kupohohoho! Kupahahaha—

...Ahem, where were we?

Yes, adventurers one and all will be afforded another chance to flaunt their fortitude in a rousing romp to recover the glorious Genji armor—with rich rewards to be had for those who triumph in the task, kupo.

Read on for the hair-raising report of one young heroine's foray to Ronfaure!
