Chaotic is midcore, in case you were wondering

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If ever there was confirmation that the producers are totally out of touch...

“During the 6.x era, we received a lot of player feedback regarding a lack of midcore content, as well as a strong desire for more large-scale content,” he tells me. “The chaotic alliance raid is our direct response to these requests. With that in mind, we decided our target audience would primarily be those who fall somewhere between extreme trials and the first two savage encounters.."

- Lead battle designer Masaki "Mr Ozma" Nakagawa

I know "midcore" is a somewhat nebulous term, but I think we all agree that challenging content for casuals to try that isn't extreme or savage is what the game really needs. So, how does the lead designer interpret this desire? More extreme/savage content, that you need to get 24 people together for so it's really hard to learn. I think we can give up on anything midcore in ffxiv to be honest.

Yoshi, Ozma - midcore is not halfway between extreme and savage. If you want somewhere to start, think savage with half the mechanics, for 4-8 people. And don't get your raid team to test it, they'll just say it's easy. Find some willing casuals. Thank you.

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