Chaotic is a masterpiece of content but points out other issues with the game.

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Lets be real Chaotic was advertised as Extreme/Savage mode 24 man content which they've tested with DRS before, so seriously stop moaning about it been too hard. However, this finally integrates it into the main raid tier rather than as part of Eureka/Bozja. So I see this as part of the Savage Raid cycle.
Now the issues it points out is:
Firstly how weird the gearing is in this game, this gives BIS ilvl gear without a now pointless weekly lock and weird tome cap, which are still in place! In fact why do we usually only ever have 2 sources for bis gearing so i welcome this but yes it shows that the Raid tier is locked for way too long and the tome cap of 450 is only ever lifted in X.55 is just crazy, especially when an Ultimate is out.
Plus, now this is here they should add Criterion in as well and give that the matching accessories. So that's from a high end hardcore point of view.
Secondly for the causal and general content point of view, we can see the lack of content in X.0, X.1 raid cycle, i'm fairly sure this the first time since HW they've add new stuff this early in an expansion as usually its really boring in this part of the expansion, Midcore or Exploration Zones are never added until X.25 now and same with the relic.
Which further why do they not start adding the relic in X.08, or X.01 to give casuals more to do and also for more weapon gearing. Also with timescales Chaotic should have been added at 7.1 at the latest.
Basic point Chaotic in itself is perfect, it was exactly what they said on the tin, it's what the game needed. It's just the game has other issues in terms of content especially at the start of an expansion.

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