changes to the game that would go hard

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I just played during the free login and had some ideas that would help ameliorate my disdain for the game nowadays enjoy

Change: Short(er)-form combat design
-move away from long, linear rotations

-diversify cd timers and durations
1. less restriction on how players can approach encounters, thus opening up creative avenues for encounter design

2. this also makes questing/overworld combat less cringe, because it won't feel wasteful to pop giant cds for a mob that will die in five hits, run 20 yards to the next mob, and then not have any cds for the rest of the quest

Change: Endgame itemization
-upgradeable (meaning increased ilvl from tier-to-tier) cantrip gear from savage
-these could give thematic cantrips/effects from the raid, like:
-giving MNK a somersault dropkick oGCD that works like SAM's backdash

-maybe SMN could invoke Ixion or something in their primal rotation

-PCT get a new skill called "paint me like one of your cat girls" and it turns the targeted player into the Black Cat miqote for fun
-AF gear could directly impact job skills (think FFXI)
-tomestone gear will become prog gear with generic role-based attributes
-an example could be things like
-tanks get a short 10% mit when taunting off of another player

-healers have the mana cost of resurrections halved

-melee dps have a chance for their autos to hit twice

-just basic things that could help in prog, but not so useful that they usurp the greater stats/effects of savage tier
1. Long term gear acquisition that makes it worthwhile clearing old content, even when the next tier is out.

2. allows players to make builds based on what gear they equip

3. ilvl increase allows you to keep the treadmill going while maintaining value, tier after tier
-players can choose which pieces they want to prioritize upgrading based on how they'd function with the new tier

-hardcore players will want to collect and upgrade all pieces for the most possibilities
4. the upgrade process can also add an incentive to random content that isn't seeing enough activity (criterion)


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