Changes I would like for all and each Tank (Paladin).

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This Job feels simple and rewarding, most changes for me would be aesthetic with small additions here and there.

The animation for 123 combo changed. We can take the mobile version "Auto attacks" as the new ones.

3 Charges on gap closer.

Fight or Flight should be changed at later levels into Divine Blade, a buff with a lingering effect. Same utility. Your sword will glow during it's duration.

Goring Blade should be learned at much lower level, it does Big Damage and it ENDS Fight or Flight. A small skill check as people will try to do it at the last possible second Ideally within the last 3 seconds of the buff. At later levels it should be upgraded into Divine Retribution (Same animation just a Holy Slash animation flare) followed up by a 2nd GCD Divine Cross (A Horizontal Slash to finish off the "Holy Cross" motif). Divine Retribution is a cleave with fall off.

Bulwark is now 20% Mit for 20 Seconds. Parry rate up 50%, If an attack is parried Bulwark will turn into "Shield Bash" a small potency attack that stunts the enemy, possibly a small cone AOE. You also get Divine Clemency buff. Letting you use Clemency as an off GCD once.

Divine Might (the buff you after doing your 123) can be stored up to 3 times and should be reflected in your Job Gauge. If you Holy raw the animation is the same with cast time, if you cast it with Divine Might buff Holy Spirit is instant and has a newer cooler animation.

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