Changes I would like for all and each Tank (Gunbreaker)

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  • Lingering effects on Defensives (and some Offensive) Cooldowns. We saw these in the Mobile Version. Paladin for Example already has it on PVP Hallowed Ground and this SHOULD be extended to MINIMUN the Tank Invulns with a separate setting to turn them off if you'd like.
  • The AOE 2Hit combos should be 1 button. This is just to reduce button bloat since these button presses are braindead anyways.
  • Rampart should be reduced to a "Multi use/Don't have Mit" button. Maybe around a 10% or 15% Mit (This will come together with a buff to Secondary Tank Mit, eg. Camouflage). In my view Arm's length should be baked into it, giving enemies a slow and when hit and push back immunity. I love the idea of people telling me hey use Rampart at this point of the fight and you can dodge the push back and have addt'l mit for the next Tank Buster, or the idea of having to pick between Mit or respecting a certain mechanic.
  • Overall lowering the level where you learn gap closers through out all the Tanks. Obviously if there is a level squish this will be a focus but if we continue with the current trend at around lv 30 all Tanks should have it.
That's all that comes to mind right now, go off in the comments if anything else comes up. Ok now onto individual Tanks...


Overall what I'm looking for with this job is less button bloat and shifting GCD and oGCD buttons (as in removing but implementing). The focus would be on obviously the gauge management and continuation. Some of this changes are considering that new buttons are coming too.
  • Bow Shock and Sonic break should be removed. In the case of Bow Shock it should be baked into No Mercy. As in you activate the No Mercy you get 20sec Damage buff and it does a large AOE Damage with a DOT. Think like Viper when it activates it's burst except it's an oGCD like it is now.
  • Blasting Zone should be 2 Charges. The range increased to 5 yalms (like continuation) and it should be an AOE with fall off damage (and a new animation).
  • Lion Heart first 2 hits should have a continuation follow up, the animation currently even looks like it needs this. I wouldn't mind if the 3rd hit had one but I'd prefer if they tweak the animation to have an actual resolution instead of just weirdly cutting off.
  • BloodFest is back to giving 2 charges and cooldown reduced back to a 90 seceonds. Honestly this change I'm iffy about but I feel going back to 2 charges would be more flexible with the current Double Down changes.
  • Double Down name change to CrossFire. Not much else here this is just a change to reflect the cost change.
  • Camouflage is now 20% Mit for 20 Seconds and an Additional 10% for the first 10 seconds if the attack is Physical. During the 20 Seconds it gives a small buff to Aurora with a small increase in healing, whether you cast it on yourself or others.

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