Changes I would like for all and each Tank (Dark Knight & Warrior).

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I used to want this job fully changed, but with the DT changes it's grown on me. Technically I feel this job shouldn't use MP but I will consider they will keep it as such.

123 Combo animation change. Bring back Power Slash please. It now gives a charge of Darkness, You can hold up to 3 and it should be reflected in the Job Gauge.

Abyssal Drain functions as it does now (the healing might have to be nerfed a bit), it is a oGCD with a super short cooldown (to prevent multi-presses) and it cost 1 Darkness charge to use, ideally you could use it after every 123 but you can store it if need be.

Flood of Shadow and Edge of Shadow should be merged into a single oGCD with fall off damage. 3000mp cost still. Every use Reduces the Cooldown of Shadowbringer by 10 seconds

Carve and Spit now shows up for 30 Seconds after you activate Delirium. It cost 1 Darkness to do and it gives a small amount of Blood on top of the healing and MP it gives now. Potentially change it to Small Cleave AOE w/ fall off damage.

Delirium animation should be replaced back to Blood Weapon, hate the "stomach pain" animation.

Blackest Night, No MP cost, 25 second CD. If broken it gives a charge of Darkness. Later on to be replaced by Oblation which in addition it now gives 10% Mit and it's 2 charges.

DarkMind is now 20% Mit with an additional 10% for the first 10 seconds if the damage is magical. It also gives all enemies attacking Dark Knight the Death's Door debuff for 10 seconds. After it's duration expires or when the enemy dies. The Dark Knight receives a small HP heal per enemy.

Salted Earth Duration Increased to 15 seconds, It REGENS the Dark Knight as long as he is in it. Salt and Darkness (Dark Bubbles) stay, HOWEVER if you use it during the last 5 Seconds of Salted Earth, it gets upgraded to Blood Sword (as in the move from Final Fantasy Tactics) and it absorbs a small amount of HP per enemy.


This Job I feel has been hitting right, the job fantasy is there and it just maybe needs a few animation tweaks and new moves (Sadly I don't have any new moves for it so please sound off).

123 animation change, we saw some on the mobile version, regardless Butchers Block needs to return.

Chaotic Cyclone animation change (to keep in line with the awesome change they did to the single target version).

Upheaval and Orogeny should be decoupled. Upheaval is now a targeted small circle AOE with fall off damage.

Thrill of Battle is now the 20% Mit for 20 seconds on top of it's current function.

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