"Chains of Promatha" PM static group?


Master of the Martini
Is anyone interested?

Anyone that has not finished their PMs, what PM are you currently on? And is anyone within Ultima (or outside) who has finished, would you be willing to help out folks who have not?

I myself am currently on PM 5-3, Tenzen's Path done and all CSes done.
Hit me up when you have a number of ppl gathering

The problem is that I'll probably never be able to gather up more than one or two people at any one time for any one mission.

Without a static and a schedule it's just not going to work.
It should not be too hard nowadays, no EXP loss and good exp for each battle won. Not to mention they've dumbed down the missions quite extensively.
The problem is that I'll probably never be able to gather up more than one or two people at any one time for any one mission.

Without a static and a schedule it's just not going to work.

I just did the airship BC for someone the other day. I was asked to step in to cover someone who DC'd. That person managed to get 5 people to help. I'll bet if you pick a day/time not otherwise taken by an LS event and ask around the LS for helpers you will find yourself with a full party pretty quickly. I don't mean "/l Hey anyone up for PM5-3?" followed by silence, I mean "/t soandso Hi, can you help me with the PM5-3 BC on Saturday at 4 PM?"

I can tell you that you will not find a static in the LS. Everyone else is done. What I am sure of is that you will find people who are willing to help you if you take the initiative to schedule it with adequate notice and ask them directly for help and let them know you appreciate said help afterward. Many of the missions are easy now so you can even do them with a pickup in many cases. I've helped in those too, you just need to do your homework and make sure everyone knows their job beforehand.
I'd definately like to join, however my schedule is a little erratic to set down specific days and times. I can give about a week's heads up when it comes to when I will be available. However, I'm pretty far back when it comes to those missions, but I really need my Sea access and what not. Also.... ding lvl 72 biznitches
I'll help as much as I can. Jobs listed in the signature. I'm on Aussie time, but usually am eager to help unless I'm in Limbus or something.
/ if not already doing something at the time.

Aussie time like Ravel.
Like Fodder said, just ask people directly and you will likely get help.

Asking in /l will often get the silence response because people don't feel targeted enough but when you ask someone specifically they'll easily feel guilted into helping.
Psst, I have Regn on PM8-1, and I don't mind going back and doing 5-3 through 8-1 over again. :) I'll gladly static with you. Regn is BLM, by the way. I know all the missions well, too. Just PM me a date/time, and I'll be there, I'm free every day after 2pm EST and pretty far into the wee hours of the morning, lol.
I can help if I know ahead of time. Just shoot me a tell. Some of these are acctully a lot of fun.
Honestly, I have so little better to do. As long as it's not a 60 cap (well, I could do 60 cap with BLU. RDM I hat no AF hat and feel naked) I'm down for any of them. Especially Promy-Vazhl whenever you need it. Just shoot me a tell when I'm on, especially if I'm solo, and I'll come out.
I can help where needed and where I can; I'm actually back on earlier missions. From what I can tell by the key I have and my quest logs, I'm at the point of trekking through at level 40 and bashing up the Professor ghost. If you ever hit a point and need help and it doesn't require having the prior missions done, let me know. :D

Oh, and posting from work rocks.. when the man gets you down and blocks your internet, go around them with proxy servers. woot.
I can help if needed just send me a tell letting me know when and what mission.