Can I Report People For Buying Multiple Houses?

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If there's a person who is knowingly and openly (and I mean, they are ADVERTISING it proudly) creating 1 person FC's to purchase housing under identical FC tags, is there anything I can do to report them?

Normally, I wouldn't care if someone wants to make FCs to charge more aether wheels or get extra bank space, but when they buy houses just to hold, they're reducing the "community" value of having a house - i.e. It becomes essentially an empty lot with no one ever going in or out.

Obviously, it's terrible from a supply/demand standpoint, but it's increasingly isolating when I see 3, 4 now 6 houses owned by one user (single subscription). I feel like I don't even have neighbors and it kills the entire ward.

So again, my question: is there anything I can do about it? I'm pretty sure SE creating the housing restrictions because they wanted to practically limit the number of houses people can own (for the above reasons). Players going around that intention should be stopped from further exploiting that.

I don't even want them to take the houses that person owns away from them. I just want them to stop.

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