Buffs are falling off during Darklit Dragonsong in Futures Rewritten (Ultimate)

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Date & Time: 01/23/2024 @ 9:20pm EST
Frequency: Uncommon but most of the time it happens when I have the tether mechanic.
World name: Exodus
Character name: Deadly Sinn
Retainer name: N/A
NPC name: N/A
Monster name: Usurper of Frost and Oracle of Darkness
Class/Level: Level 100 Pictomancer
Party or solo: Party
In-game time: 2:02pm Eoreza Time
Area and coordinates: A Future Rewritten
Housing: N/A

1. Whenever I get the tether mechanic in Darklit Dragonsong, the buffs fall off instantly. In the clip below, I have lost my Well-Fed Buff, Dance Partner, Rationing Buff, Esprit, Devilment as soon as the cast finishes (about 7 seconds into the clip).

Twitch clip below:

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