Bring Wows Allied Race Mechanic To Xiv

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If we had our own allied race mechanic, think of the cool races that we could play. I love the idea of unlockable races, because it makes them cool, more difficult, and a player accomplishment to earn.

My ideas for such races in this game would be:

- Lupin
- Baanga
- Ivalician Moogles
- Seeq
- Nu Mou

Also upon completion you would get a free one time fantasia for the first time completion of that races unlock quest, but it would ONLY work for that race change, and for one use. If you changed back after making the choice, you would still have to buy a fantasia, or make a separate character.

No I do think Female Hrothgar and Male Viera should be in an allied races content feature. Female Viera and Male Hrothgar are already pickable races. Let's not make it more difficult just to unlock an opposite gender. This group of races would be entirely separate and optional.

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