Blue mage shouldn't be limited for several reasons but I will do my best to keep it small. First of all the basic concept of a blue mage is to learn other attacks.
(1)Now this is true but even so the attacks are weaker than the original, that is to be expected since blue magic is just imitating other attacks.
(2)The core mechanic of Blue Mage is learning different spells with different elemental effects and debuffs. Yes we all know bad breath is horrible to get hit with but again, it would be weaker than an actual morbol.
(3)IF the issue is that it has too many spells then let me ask: Isnt that what a blue mage is supposed to have? Why should the class be held back because of what it was meant for? You see, many people have said Ol' blue was too powerful. For example we have "Level 5 Death." A skill that has a decent chance to kill enemies around you aslong as their level is a multiple of 5. I mention this now because it has something to do with the next one. Blue mage is loved for its ability to learn and explore, but to truly explore you must remove restrictions on "Limited" classes.
(4) Ah yes, here we are. Blue mage has been dubbed over powered....but is that true? only partly. As I said, spells like "Level 5 Death" can instantly kill enemies whose level is a multiple of 5 BUT most enemies that I cant 1 shot with any other class are immune to its effects (Just like missle, ultravibraion ect.) so why make it one of the few things holding it back from being an actual job.
(5)Blue mage can learn many.....many spells yes we are aware but to add balance (As this class was claimed to be unbalanced) there should be a "Tier" system causing you to only use a limited amount of rare spells (Similar to XI's "Blue points")
I promised I would keep it short so I wont go any further but to do this to such a fine class in any final fantasy game is a disgrace to the job itself as if its only purpose is to clean up after the last expansion.
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(1)Now this is true but even so the attacks are weaker than the original, that is to be expected since blue magic is just imitating other attacks.
(2)The core mechanic of Blue Mage is learning different spells with different elemental effects and debuffs. Yes we all know bad breath is horrible to get hit with but again, it would be weaker than an actual morbol.
(3)IF the issue is that it has too many spells then let me ask: Isnt that what a blue mage is supposed to have? Why should the class be held back because of what it was meant for? You see, many people have said Ol' blue was too powerful. For example we have "Level 5 Death." A skill that has a decent chance to kill enemies around you aslong as their level is a multiple of 5. I mention this now because it has something to do with the next one. Blue mage is loved for its ability to learn and explore, but to truly explore you must remove restrictions on "Limited" classes.
(4) Ah yes, here we are. Blue mage has been dubbed over powered....but is that true? only partly. As I said, spells like "Level 5 Death" can instantly kill enemies whose level is a multiple of 5 BUT most enemies that I cant 1 shot with any other class are immune to its effects (Just like missle, ultravibraion ect.) so why make it one of the few things holding it back from being an actual job.
(5)Blue mage can learn many.....many spells yes we are aware but to add balance (As this class was claimed to be unbalanced) there should be a "Tier" system causing you to only use a limited amount of rare spells (Similar to XI's "Blue points")
I promised I would keep it short so I wont go any further but to do this to such a fine class in any final fantasy game is a disgrace to the job itself as if its only purpose is to clean up after the last expansion.
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