Sadly, haven't cleared A8/A12 yet (up to gavel/timestops), but I have a lot of info about the Coils if you haven't done it yet!
If you've never done any savage raiding, expect this to be much harder than any content you've done before. It's very much proper savage fights, and some stuff is far more unforgiving than even the current savage series, just due to how BLU works. Specifically, if tanks miss their cooldown (Diamondback), instead of just being very hurt and needing emergency heals, they just actually die.
General stuff:#1 MOST IMPORTANT THING: Unless otherwise noted, respect mechanics! Mechanics will kill you dead! Learn mechanics! Read guides! LEARN MECHANICS! KNOW MECHANICS!
DPSes, use Moon Flute opener in all 3 fights. USE MOON FLUTE OPENER. It makes phase 1s ridiculously short, and it's a huge DPS loss to not use moon flute opener. Yes, you'll afk for 15 seconds after - but use moon flute! It's great!
Tanks, be ready to spam blood drain, use white wind once in a while (keeps aggro way better than even The Look), and Diamondback like your life depends on it. Because it does. A LOT. Bring Magic Hammer, addle, bad breath, use them whenever prudent. A good opener is swiftcast -> J-kick ->The Look -> White Wind for T5/T9.
Healers: Just focus on healing the tank whenever the tank's not diamondbacked. MG lowers your damage so much that I consider Diamondback to be a DPS gain, because healers can freely DPS during diamondbacks. Take all the primal spells, take offguard/peculiar light/libra, spam like a motherfucker. I was a healer for T13, and I even brought bad breath sometimes just to make AOE healing easier. Keep gobskin up before AOEs, spam pom cure on the MT basically constantly when autos are coming out, and worry about damage only when it's really safe to do so!
Everyone: Take Level 5 Death, Mighty Guard, White Wind, Diamondback, Addle, Magic Hammer, Devour for every role in every fight. EAT FOOD! Tanks especially, the extra 700 hp from food can be the difference between life and death 20 times in a single fight. Be careful casting White Wind in Mighty Guard, and watch your Mighty Guards! turn off MG if you're not the MT before every pull. Do not white wind in MG or you may steal aggro. Always drop MG before AOE healing, and watch your MGs on a wipe.
T5 Twintania:
Special Skills To Take: Faze! Death Knights spawn in phase 3, one faze gives your team enough time to kill it extremely safely.
Tank, diamondback Death Sentence. I think the cast bar is short enough to cast diamondback the moment you see the cast bar, if you drop whatever you were doing Everyone else, just do DPS. BLU DPS is high enough that you can just 7-man stack for the stack marker, and free the person who gets trapped basically instantly. That's all of phase 1.
For divebombs, just learn the dive cheese (stacking in the divot in the right side, moving out for dive and back in). L5D (level 5 death) adds, don't worry about vuln stacks.
For phase 3, DODGE TWISTERS. RESPECT TWISTERS. Just fan out and keep moving when they drop, then once they drop, and you're safe, stop moving. Just get DPS down.
For phase 4 (hatches), tank can just sit there and diamondback spam to take hatches to the face. 7-sting at 27% (source) and end the fight.
T9 Nael:
Special Skills to Take: Sticky Tongue on 3 people, for golems!
Phase 1: Nael will do some autos, then drop a meteor. Drop it on the outside of the arena! Tank DBs after that for Bahamut's claw, then DBs again for the explosion + return dive. Nael will dive to a random person and do a stack mechanic - have a spot you keep consistently clear for the stack mechanic. Some parties stack middle, some stack in the top-right for second meteor. As a note, since the tank is Diamondbacked, Nael will sometimes point herself in random-ass directions for the AOE swipe after jumping back to the tank, so just keep an eye out to avoid her REALLY keeping your eyes out!
If you have the DPS, you can completely skip Lunar Dynamo, the second meteor, second divebomb and every other mechanic in phase 1. Moon Flute opener is paramount here, and the DPSes who aren't doing the golems can moon flute a second time even, just to push even faster, and burn the downtime debuff while golems drop! Drop the 3 golems in the center circles.
For golems, pick two people to pull Blue and Red golem - the tank should pull the green golem, because it hits like a truck. Turn on MG and single target your golem after pulling it. And when I say pull, I mean it literally - sticky tongue that hoe into the rocks! Tank can DB, DPSes should focus green down first since it's scary. And when I say focus, I mean Level 5 death or missile the golems.
Next is 6 meteor drops. There's two popular strategies: Group together and run as a group (sprinting/turning more tightly if you fall behind, moving towards the outer edge if you're too far ahead), and spreading out and rotating (preferring clockwise) as you drop meteors. The first is prone to deaths if there's latency or people aren't moving at the same time, and the second is prone to deaths if people panic and don't rotate right, or if you get extremely, extremely screwed (2 meteors left, 2 meteors right and you get 2 in a row). After that, drop golems in the center, feed 2 meteors to each golem (or feed 3 to 1 of them, it doesn't matter), and kill them dead.
Phase 3: Party groups in one location, tank groups in another location, and everyone mighty guard for megaflare. Heal afterwords, DPSes prepare bristle, and Nael comes down. Surecast the Heavensfall and wail on Nael.
Now, there's 2 strats here: the slowboat strat, and the Galaxy Brain Moon Flute strat.
Slowboat: Do normal DPS things. When a ghost spawns, burn a L5D (or 2 if it misses) on it. Only one or two ghosts should spawn. Grab a white circle if you get a purple chain debuff.
Galaxy-Brain Turbo Fasts: All the DPS Bristle -> Moon Flute -> DO A FULL OPENER. BLU DPS is so insane, you can actually skip all adds spawning and go straight into bahamut's favor. No level 5 deaths needed, freeing them up for golems!
TANK: The moment Nael starts casting Bahamut's Favor, just diamondback. Claw hurts!
Phase 4: Fire tether OUT (meaning, if you get a fire tether, just run from the party). Thunders OUT if you get the purple thunder debuff, don't hit the party. Next, Fire tether IN - stack on the fire tether. Thunders OUT, don't worry about getting hit by dynamo, it won't kill you. White wind in case anyone got hit. next, Fire Tether OUT -> move out of Chariot. Thunder OUT. if you get Gravity, drop it somewhere. Next, everyone stack for Fire Tether IN and Stack Marker. Thunder OUT. After that, Tank should immediately diamondback for Bahamut's Claw, which has no telegraph. Finally, when the WHITE divebomb markers appear, everyone should immediately drop what they were doing and diamondback. You can do the mechanic legit if you want, but if you know it, you probably don't need this guide - Diamondback is just way more consistent.
To summarize: Fire OUT -> Thunder Out -> Fire In -> Thunder Out -> Fire OUT -> Thunder Out -> Gravity Out -> Fire IN -> Thunder Out -> Diamondback divebombs.
Phase 4 repeats twice, exactly the same way. Just kill Nael from here. 5-sting from 12.6%, 7sting from 17%.
T13: I consider this easier than T9, personally.
Skills to take: Missile + Level 5 Death. Everyone should have L5D all the time anyway, but there's so many adds here that Missile gains huge value. Also, Exuviation: If a tower explodes, can cleanse the bleed, so healers should grab Exuviation!
Tanks, pull using a ranged skill and take Bahamut to the south side of the map. Makes everything a lot safer over tanking in the middle. My tank's opener was Magic Hammer -> White Wind -> Devour -> Bad Breath -> The Look.
Healers, do not even think about getting damage in during this fight, unless the tank diamondbacks. The tank dies in any 3 hits, and sometimes in any 2 hits. just fucking pom the tank on cooldown. The damage is unreal.
Tanks, FUCKING CRY. Bahamut autos do like 2k and flare star does like 3.5k. You only have 5.9k max hp. Devour early. Diamondback Flatten or die. Preferably, diamondback Flatten right before flatten casts, because the triple flare breath afterwords hurts a ton. If both healers get earthshaker, just diamondback to make their job easier.
Everyone, keep Bad Breath on. Megaflare stack markers do roughly 6k, so you will die if you don't mitigate with gobskin or at least one damage reduction action on the boss.
Phase 1: Spread for megaflare, stack if you get diamonds. We stacked on Bahamut's butt. Healers, don't worry about anyone else - just keep the tank healed until they diamondback flatten, then you can AOE heal after the tank DBs and get in some damage. If the tank gets the diamond marker, they'll be stack hit -> auto -> flare breath -> auto'd very quickly, so be ready!
If you're marked for Earthshaker, Mighty Guard! Healers, re-apply gobskin or White Wind after the first earthshaker, and everyone will be safe. Be sure to mitigate - 3 Earthshakers will kill from full HP, even through mighty guard, if you don't gobskin or mitigate. Tank, feel free to diamondback if you really want to.
Order: Megaflare -> Flatten -> Earthshakers -> Repeat til Gigaflare at 76%.
**Transition:**Our group usually pushed right after the second megaflare - turn on Mighty Guard, get down an addle and a hammer and bad breath before gigaflare! Gigaflare will start casting after Bahamut hits 76%, after whatever mechanic he's doing. Everyone Mighty Guard. You don't need full mitigation if everyone mighty guards, but it makes it a lot safer. Tank, feel free to diamondback - Bahamut will auto and flare breath right after gigaflare, because he's a total dick. Drop Mighty Guard after the cast bar finishes. The damage snapshots the moment the Gigaflare cast bar fills, so have MG up very, very early, along with any mitigation! You can actually have MG off when the damage hits, if you turn it on, the cast bar fills and you drop it - the MG still applies.
Phase 2 is much easier than phase 1. Add spawns at the north. Level 5 death this instantly. Don't mess around with missile volleys - just L5D it, and have a plan in place if the first L5D misses. If this add does not die instantly, it will smack your bitch up for 10k per tail slap.
For Flare Star, each person should grab an orb. 2 orbs hurt a lot, and you'll want to diamondback for Bahamut's Rage.
Watch the Flatten during all this.
After the orbs is a megaflare. This megaflare has an added tower - heal the stacked group right after the stack hit, just in case the tower spawns under them. The tower always spawns under somebody, and it won't kill you if you're not in the stack. If you are in the stack, hope your healer healed! The tower exploding is not a wipe - just Exuviation the bleed. Then, Flare Breath on the tank, then Bahamut's rage. Then the phase repeats, with a new add (in the southwest for add 2, and in the southeast for add 3 if you make it that far). We usually pushed during the second flare star.
Order: Add Spawns -> Flare Star -> Flatten -> Megaflare -> Bahamut's Rage -> repeat.
Everyone Mighty Guard when Bahamut hits 52%. And make sure to throw down mitigations too. Oh, and fun fact: Bahamut autos the tank one last time, as a little fuck-you going away present before he leaves.
Adds: Everyone mighty guard up. Go to the center. Wait for green marker, dodge divebombs. Spread. Do megaflare (leave middle open for diamonds to meet, but they can meet wherever's safe). You cannot mitigate Megaflare here, so if you don't Mighty Guard and forget gobskin, you will die. Tank, feel free to white wind a few times if you have extra MP, just to secure aggro forever.
Missile/L5D adds. I've never seen a wipe to adds, it's a very easy phase.
The third divebomb is different - only Bahamut dives, so dodge earlier. Still do megaflares after
Order: Divebombs -> Megaflare -> Adds -> Divebombs -> Megaflare -> Adds -> SINGLE DIVEBOMB (dodge on orange marker) -> Megaflare -> Adds -> Teraflare.
For Teraflare, stand in the center, and Lucid Dreaming at 6, and Diamondback at 5. You want as much MP as possible for the final phase.
Final Phase:
TANK IMMEDIATELY DB when Bahamut lands. Akh Morn will kill you absurdly dead if you do not diamondback it.
Do not moon flute opener here!
Next, Everyone Diamondback Megaflare. My team was too lazy to deal with this nonsense. Doesn't matter where you're standing, just get it done. One healer can DB early and one late to cover the tank possibly being out of Diamondback for autos. There's just a ton going on - big AOEs, little instant AOEs, stack AOEs, tether AOEs, tower AOEs. Save yourself the annoyance and just diamondback for safety.
Next, Earth Shakers. Again, if you get marked, Mighty Guard - and mitigate this, because the shaker takers get tether AOEs that do like 3k! Healers, you will have to make sure they are healthy, while not letting the tank die. Can be tricky, but I believe in you!
After the earthshaker is another Akh Morn, then Megaflares, then more Earthshakers. MP management is key here!
After the second Earthshaker is GIGAFLARE. Everyone MG up, get that mitigation down! If the tank's White Winded a few times during adds phase, you can white wind with MG up and be okay.
Then it repeats. We started stinging just before the third earthshaker, and killed it! \o/
ORDER: Akh Morn -> Megaflare -> Earthshaker -> Akh Morn -> Megaflare -> Earthshaker -> Gigaflare -> Repeat.
Lastly: Stay calm if the MT dies! Check who has aggro, move away from them, and whoever gets aggro should just diamondback and wait for the MT to get up and ready. Spam DB if you need to.
Let me know if you have any questions!
submitted by /u/Kwahn
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If you've never done any savage raiding, expect this to be much harder than any content you've done before. It's very much proper savage fights, and some stuff is far more unforgiving than even the current savage series, just due to how BLU works. Specifically, if tanks miss their cooldown (Diamondback), instead of just being very hurt and needing emergency heals, they just actually die.
General stuff:#1 MOST IMPORTANT THING: Unless otherwise noted, respect mechanics! Mechanics will kill you dead! Learn mechanics! Read guides! LEARN MECHANICS! KNOW MECHANICS!
DPSes, use Moon Flute opener in all 3 fights. USE MOON FLUTE OPENER. It makes phase 1s ridiculously short, and it's a huge DPS loss to not use moon flute opener. Yes, you'll afk for 15 seconds after - but use moon flute! It's great!
Tanks, be ready to spam blood drain, use white wind once in a while (keeps aggro way better than even The Look), and Diamondback like your life depends on it. Because it does. A LOT. Bring Magic Hammer, addle, bad breath, use them whenever prudent. A good opener is swiftcast -> J-kick ->The Look -> White Wind for T5/T9.
Healers: Just focus on healing the tank whenever the tank's not diamondbacked. MG lowers your damage so much that I consider Diamondback to be a DPS gain, because healers can freely DPS during diamondbacks. Take all the primal spells, take offguard/peculiar light/libra, spam like a motherfucker. I was a healer for T13, and I even brought bad breath sometimes just to make AOE healing easier. Keep gobskin up before AOEs, spam pom cure on the MT basically constantly when autos are coming out, and worry about damage only when it's really safe to do so!
Everyone: Take Level 5 Death, Mighty Guard, White Wind, Diamondback, Addle, Magic Hammer, Devour for every role in every fight. EAT FOOD! Tanks especially, the extra 700 hp from food can be the difference between life and death 20 times in a single fight. Be careful casting White Wind in Mighty Guard, and watch your Mighty Guards! turn off MG if you're not the MT before every pull. Do not white wind in MG or you may steal aggro. Always drop MG before AOE healing, and watch your MGs on a wipe.
T5 Twintania:
Special Skills To Take: Faze! Death Knights spawn in phase 3, one faze gives your team enough time to kill it extremely safely.
Tank, diamondback Death Sentence. I think the cast bar is short enough to cast diamondback the moment you see the cast bar, if you drop whatever you were doing Everyone else, just do DPS. BLU DPS is high enough that you can just 7-man stack for the stack marker, and free the person who gets trapped basically instantly. That's all of phase 1.
For divebombs, just learn the dive cheese (stacking in the divot in the right side, moving out for dive and back in). L5D (level 5 death) adds, don't worry about vuln stacks.
For phase 3, DODGE TWISTERS. RESPECT TWISTERS. Just fan out and keep moving when they drop, then once they drop, and you're safe, stop moving. Just get DPS down.
For phase 4 (hatches), tank can just sit there and diamondback spam to take hatches to the face. 7-sting at 27% (source) and end the fight.
T9 Nael:
Special Skills to Take: Sticky Tongue on 3 people, for golems!
Phase 1: Nael will do some autos, then drop a meteor. Drop it on the outside of the arena! Tank DBs after that for Bahamut's claw, then DBs again for the explosion + return dive. Nael will dive to a random person and do a stack mechanic - have a spot you keep consistently clear for the stack mechanic. Some parties stack middle, some stack in the top-right for second meteor. As a note, since the tank is Diamondbacked, Nael will sometimes point herself in random-ass directions for the AOE swipe after jumping back to the tank, so just keep an eye out to avoid her REALLY keeping your eyes out!
If you have the DPS, you can completely skip Lunar Dynamo, the second meteor, second divebomb and every other mechanic in phase 1. Moon Flute opener is paramount here, and the DPSes who aren't doing the golems can moon flute a second time even, just to push even faster, and burn the downtime debuff while golems drop! Drop the 3 golems in the center circles.
For golems, pick two people to pull Blue and Red golem - the tank should pull the green golem, because it hits like a truck. Turn on MG and single target your golem after pulling it. And when I say pull, I mean it literally - sticky tongue that hoe into the rocks! Tank can DB, DPSes should focus green down first since it's scary. And when I say focus, I mean Level 5 death or missile the golems.
Next is 6 meteor drops. There's two popular strategies: Group together and run as a group (sprinting/turning more tightly if you fall behind, moving towards the outer edge if you're too far ahead), and spreading out and rotating (preferring clockwise) as you drop meteors. The first is prone to deaths if there's latency or people aren't moving at the same time, and the second is prone to deaths if people panic and don't rotate right, or if you get extremely, extremely screwed (2 meteors left, 2 meteors right and you get 2 in a row). After that, drop golems in the center, feed 2 meteors to each golem (or feed 3 to 1 of them, it doesn't matter), and kill them dead.
Phase 3: Party groups in one location, tank groups in another location, and everyone mighty guard for megaflare. Heal afterwords, DPSes prepare bristle, and Nael comes down. Surecast the Heavensfall and wail on Nael.
Now, there's 2 strats here: the slowboat strat, and the Galaxy Brain Moon Flute strat.
Slowboat: Do normal DPS things. When a ghost spawns, burn a L5D (or 2 if it misses) on it. Only one or two ghosts should spawn. Grab a white circle if you get a purple chain debuff.
Galaxy-Brain Turbo Fasts: All the DPS Bristle -> Moon Flute -> DO A FULL OPENER. BLU DPS is so insane, you can actually skip all adds spawning and go straight into bahamut's favor. No level 5 deaths needed, freeing them up for golems!
TANK: The moment Nael starts casting Bahamut's Favor, just diamondback. Claw hurts!
Phase 4: Fire tether OUT (meaning, if you get a fire tether, just run from the party). Thunders OUT if you get the purple thunder debuff, don't hit the party. Next, Fire tether IN - stack on the fire tether. Thunders OUT, don't worry about getting hit by dynamo, it won't kill you. White wind in case anyone got hit. next, Fire Tether OUT -> move out of Chariot. Thunder OUT. if you get Gravity, drop it somewhere. Next, everyone stack for Fire Tether IN and Stack Marker. Thunder OUT. After that, Tank should immediately diamondback for Bahamut's Claw, which has no telegraph. Finally, when the WHITE divebomb markers appear, everyone should immediately drop what they were doing and diamondback. You can do the mechanic legit if you want, but if you know it, you probably don't need this guide - Diamondback is just way more consistent.
To summarize: Fire OUT -> Thunder Out -> Fire In -> Thunder Out -> Fire OUT -> Thunder Out -> Gravity Out -> Fire IN -> Thunder Out -> Diamondback divebombs.
Phase 4 repeats twice, exactly the same way. Just kill Nael from here. 5-sting from 12.6%, 7sting from 17%.
T13: I consider this easier than T9, personally.
Skills to take: Missile + Level 5 Death. Everyone should have L5D all the time anyway, but there's so many adds here that Missile gains huge value. Also, Exuviation: If a tower explodes, can cleanse the bleed, so healers should grab Exuviation!
Tanks, pull using a ranged skill and take Bahamut to the south side of the map. Makes everything a lot safer over tanking in the middle. My tank's opener was Magic Hammer -> White Wind -> Devour -> Bad Breath -> The Look.
Healers, do not even think about getting damage in during this fight, unless the tank diamondbacks. The tank dies in any 3 hits, and sometimes in any 2 hits. just fucking pom the tank on cooldown. The damage is unreal.
Tanks, FUCKING CRY. Bahamut autos do like 2k and flare star does like 3.5k. You only have 5.9k max hp. Devour early. Diamondback Flatten or die. Preferably, diamondback Flatten right before flatten casts, because the triple flare breath afterwords hurts a ton. If both healers get earthshaker, just diamondback to make their job easier.
Everyone, keep Bad Breath on. Megaflare stack markers do roughly 6k, so you will die if you don't mitigate with gobskin or at least one damage reduction action on the boss.
Phase 1: Spread for megaflare, stack if you get diamonds. We stacked on Bahamut's butt. Healers, don't worry about anyone else - just keep the tank healed until they diamondback flatten, then you can AOE heal after the tank DBs and get in some damage. If the tank gets the diamond marker, they'll be stack hit -> auto -> flare breath -> auto'd very quickly, so be ready!
If you're marked for Earthshaker, Mighty Guard! Healers, re-apply gobskin or White Wind after the first earthshaker, and everyone will be safe. Be sure to mitigate - 3 Earthshakers will kill from full HP, even through mighty guard, if you don't gobskin or mitigate. Tank, feel free to diamondback if you really want to.
Order: Megaflare -> Flatten -> Earthshakers -> Repeat til Gigaflare at 76%.
**Transition:**Our group usually pushed right after the second megaflare - turn on Mighty Guard, get down an addle and a hammer and bad breath before gigaflare! Gigaflare will start casting after Bahamut hits 76%, after whatever mechanic he's doing. Everyone Mighty Guard. You don't need full mitigation if everyone mighty guards, but it makes it a lot safer. Tank, feel free to diamondback - Bahamut will auto and flare breath right after gigaflare, because he's a total dick. Drop Mighty Guard after the cast bar finishes. The damage snapshots the moment the Gigaflare cast bar fills, so have MG up very, very early, along with any mitigation! You can actually have MG off when the damage hits, if you turn it on, the cast bar fills and you drop it - the MG still applies.
Phase 2 is much easier than phase 1. Add spawns at the north. Level 5 death this instantly. Don't mess around with missile volleys - just L5D it, and have a plan in place if the first L5D misses. If this add does not die instantly, it will smack your bitch up for 10k per tail slap.
For Flare Star, each person should grab an orb. 2 orbs hurt a lot, and you'll want to diamondback for Bahamut's Rage.
Watch the Flatten during all this.
After the orbs is a megaflare. This megaflare has an added tower - heal the stacked group right after the stack hit, just in case the tower spawns under them. The tower always spawns under somebody, and it won't kill you if you're not in the stack. If you are in the stack, hope your healer healed! The tower exploding is not a wipe - just Exuviation the bleed. Then, Flare Breath on the tank, then Bahamut's rage. Then the phase repeats, with a new add (in the southwest for add 2, and in the southeast for add 3 if you make it that far). We usually pushed during the second flare star.
Order: Add Spawns -> Flare Star -> Flatten -> Megaflare -> Bahamut's Rage -> repeat.
Everyone Mighty Guard when Bahamut hits 52%. And make sure to throw down mitigations too. Oh, and fun fact: Bahamut autos the tank one last time, as a little fuck-you going away present before he leaves.
Adds: Everyone mighty guard up. Go to the center. Wait for green marker, dodge divebombs. Spread. Do megaflare (leave middle open for diamonds to meet, but they can meet wherever's safe). You cannot mitigate Megaflare here, so if you don't Mighty Guard and forget gobskin, you will die. Tank, feel free to white wind a few times if you have extra MP, just to secure aggro forever.
Missile/L5D adds. I've never seen a wipe to adds, it's a very easy phase.
The third divebomb is different - only Bahamut dives, so dodge earlier. Still do megaflares after
Order: Divebombs -> Megaflare -> Adds -> Divebombs -> Megaflare -> Adds -> SINGLE DIVEBOMB (dodge on orange marker) -> Megaflare -> Adds -> Teraflare.
For Teraflare, stand in the center, and Lucid Dreaming at 6, and Diamondback at 5. You want as much MP as possible for the final phase.
Final Phase:
TANK IMMEDIATELY DB when Bahamut lands. Akh Morn will kill you absurdly dead if you do not diamondback it.
Do not moon flute opener here!
Next, Everyone Diamondback Megaflare. My team was too lazy to deal with this nonsense. Doesn't matter where you're standing, just get it done. One healer can DB early and one late to cover the tank possibly being out of Diamondback for autos. There's just a ton going on - big AOEs, little instant AOEs, stack AOEs, tether AOEs, tower AOEs. Save yourself the annoyance and just diamondback for safety.
Next, Earth Shakers. Again, if you get marked, Mighty Guard - and mitigate this, because the shaker takers get tether AOEs that do like 3k! Healers, you will have to make sure they are healthy, while not letting the tank die. Can be tricky, but I believe in you!
After the earthshaker is another Akh Morn, then Megaflares, then more Earthshakers. MP management is key here!
After the second Earthshaker is GIGAFLARE. Everyone MG up, get that mitigation down! If the tank's White Winded a few times during adds phase, you can white wind with MG up and be okay.
Then it repeats. We started stinging just before the third earthshaker, and killed it! \o/
ORDER: Akh Morn -> Megaflare -> Earthshaker -> Akh Morn -> Megaflare -> Earthshaker -> Gigaflare -> Repeat.
Lastly: Stay calm if the MT dies! Check who has aggro, move away from them, and whoever gets aggro should just diamondback and wait for the MT to get up and ready. Spam DB if you need to.
Let me know if you have any questions!
submitted by /u/Kwahn
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