Blm/smn Best Combo Omfgbbq!


The crappy RNG
Ultima Legacy
Wow, amazing. I PT'ed with a BLM that knew soooo much more than me! He told me that his highest job is 32...yet wow...ALL MAGES SHOULD SUB SMN! I mean, SMN sub just pumps all stats for ANY mage job! The MP bonus too! Like MORE MP for BLM at lvl 16! And like, BLM shouldn't be healing so no they don't need to sub WHM! I mean, they aren't useful at all as a backup healer or to throw a cure in times of need! NO JUST NUKE NUKE NUKE!

"I'm Elvaan and I need all the MP I can get!"
-Why don't you get astral rings?
"I'm too poor"

This same guy was asking to kill gobbies when it took us 3mins each...200 exp every 3 mins is a lot better than 100 every min....right............

Ah, I'm done ranting. Forgot the dude's name. Maybe you'll see him running around as BLM/SMN.
Actually BLM/SMN is viable when done by someone skilled in an appropriate situation (i.e. you already have WHM and RDM and a NIN tank, so no need for healing and you just want max nuking power). I had some (skilled) party members do that a few times, and it was always very good.

Not in Jungle, and not at lv 30, though.
I had a BLM/SMN in my pt yesterday in Boyada vs. Spiders. Came in very handy, he'd buff us up with Blink and help pull in situations where the spiders would link. Didn't leave his summons out to drain his MP either (which I've seen BLM/SMN's do so they can "MB")
BLM/DRG is so much better. The ACC Bonus helps when he melees with a staff.
Arch you forgot to mention Jump for TP gain and Holy Circle for fighting the occasional Dragon!

Onry person I seen pull it off well so far is Edeus. Back in the mid 60's Xer, Aze, Val and I partied with him and he did a great job... kinda pissed off val cuz of overnuking/stealing hate but oh well. lol welcome to ninja Val.:bfg: