Ban premade parties in Frontline please

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Syndicated News Service
As certain as the day is long, premades are the absolute bane of Frontline.

By far worse than players who idle at nodes, players who don't know their class yet, players who are just there for the XP, players who are allergic to healing.

By far more impactful than tiny potency changes or adjustments to job balance.

Premades completely suffocate any chance of fairness. They make a team dominate. It takes active effort and cooperation between the other two teams to deny them a sure victory.

The only people who like premades are people who regularly play in premades.

To combat this, any number of the following changes could be made:

1. Prevent premade parties from queueing to FL or only match premades with other premades.
2. Prevent players from placing markers on themselves or teammates.
3. Prevent waymarks from being placed within 10 seconds of the most recent waymark placement.
4. Prevent chat sound effects.

Thank you, and remember - premades are the worst!

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