Balumg Congestion: Please do something

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I have been playing on Balmung since around the end of Shadowbringers. I'm in an RP community and it is increasingly difficult to have our communites open here due to the congestion difficulties. The RP venue I work at has all but dried up due to the difficulties of other data centers coming here, and I often can't play with friends unless we go off the data center, defeating the purpose of community housing and appartments.

Please make data center travel possible again. I've discussed a couple ideas that could be implimented, including:

1. Set an AFK timer on this server so that people who are not active for an hour or longer will be kicked
2. Allow players coming in to enter an actual queue to join. Currently, players cannot even enter the queue to join. This strikes me as odd - why not allow them to join the queue and then be allowed to come in when there is room?*
3. Impose some kind of auto-kick that sends players back to their original home world after going offline.

*I like this solution the best

If there has been any communication regarding the congestion issues, I'm not aware of it, but I would like something to be done to allow our friends to play with us.


Another Warrior of LIght

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