

More things change the more they stay the same.
Ultima Legacy
What is this B2Up? Why is Soj. calling me Peg-boy? What does that even mean? /rant!
What is this B2Up? Why is Soj. calling me Peg-boy? What does that even mean? /rant!

I miss Mora ; ;

If you're gonna use a line, at least accredit it to the right person!

Pegboy = someone who sat on the pegs on a pirate ship. Was a long standing joke between myself, Moravius, and Mikejones. b2up, b(-.-)p, back2upeg, etc all came outta this big mumbo jumbo as a way of basically telling someone to EFF OFF (or, to get back to their peg, lawl)

Kinda cool its still being tossed around though, I guess.
I'm so buying that, and sending some to Mora AND MJ

Btw, if he ever sticks his head around here, MJ is engaged. Married Mikejones with a potential kid down the line WAT