As wierd as it sounds


Naked Thief
I really do care to atone for and/or fix any issues people have with me. (i mean serious issues). So if you feel you have some issue to cause you to dislike me it'd be appreciated if you post or pm me and we can work it out. :) I am finally away from all the stress and crap that caused such moodiness and have forgotten who has been wronged or what i may have done to cause such a thing. :) If anything i am truly sorry for said actions.

Thanks in advance :D
You burned my house down, knocked up my sister, killed my dog, keyed my car, stole $10,000,000.00 from me, and slapped my mother. I genuinely hate you. But I think I'd be willing to let that hate go if you made an attempt to rectify your terrible terrible actions. You can start with paying me back the $10,000,000.00, and we'll go from there.
If that doesn't work, PLAN B:

I am looking to move my vast sum of OIL WEALTH to AMERICA and am in DIRE NEED of your HELP. I PROMISE that if you can HELP me then I will allow you to KEEP 99.7% of the $1,249,761,234,961,249,612,489,716,248,915,469,132,451,893,246,193,28,461,324,876 I am in possession of. I HUMBLY BEG for your assistance. To claim your MONEY and HELP me out, send your BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER and ROUTING NUMBER, as well as your DATE OF BIRTH, SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME, the TITLE to your CAR, a copy of your SIGNATURE, pictures of your FIRST BORN CHILD, a BLOOD SAMPLE, your WIFE/GIRLFRIEND'S PHONE NUMBER, your LEFT EYE, all your CLOTHING, and your DOG (or CAT if applicable) to: P.O. BOX 666 in URASUCKR, FL 32780-96

I look forward to giving you LOTS OF MONEY soon.
you look funny! nevar forgive you
Me and ceiling cat have some issues ...

In all seriousness you seem like a decent guy, I have never heard you being derogatory or anything towards other people so ... that's my opinion of ya.
Maybe obvious to some, news to others, I'm guessing this whole thread has to do with your application to the LS being turned down. I don't know much about it myself. I just remember seeing the application thread come and go. But I think it's an admirable step to try and reach out to anyone you've had quarrels with. Here's hoping they PM you and work things out.
No idea. Who are you?

I was the DX puller for the longest times and i think people took my sense of humor the wrong way or something else.

Zeri said:
Maybe obvious to some, news to others, I'm guessing this whole thread has to do with your application to the LS being turned down.

Partially. Mainly the realization there were issues with people i wasn't aware of. I have no idea who they are thus why i gave the PM option. I don't want people to come out and possibly be a target for a misunderstanding or such. Just sucks to find out people have issues with me that i am unaware of. While i realize i can't please everyone i am hoping at least whatever issues there may be aren't held against me. You know? just one of those fix the past and hoping people will move on.
If people had issues with you, they more than likely wouldn't post them in a thread in the public part of the forum for all to see. And unless they like direct conflict, I doubt they would PM you with a list of shit that they don't like about you.

But since I don't care about any of that, you are a piece of SHIT. I hope you never get in.

(am i doin it rite!?)
Eh its more trying to be the bigger person and hoping they will confront or let go of said issues rather than letting it affect others.
I was kiddddddinggggggggggggg jeeeeeeeeeebus.

I don't like Rektify because he sound exactly like Nekio on vent, so im just throwing that out there.
Haha, I'm just fucking with you Tarnak. You're that retarded dude from that movie....Radio or something. Climb in your shopping cart and get the fuck out.
Well i guess i will have to settle for the jokes instead of hoping someone really with an issue will really be able to let go instead of holding grudges for fun :D
Haha, I'm just fucking with you Tarnak. You're that retarded dude from that movie....Radio or something. Climb in your shopping cart and get the fuck out.

You smell like a can of tuna left out on the counter top under a heat lamp for a month.