Apple in trouble?


FC/Active Member
Apparently a company called Psystar (which so happens to be based here in Miami...) filed a lawsuit against Apple for having its software tied in with its hardware (yay anti-trust). I wonder about this~ I know 2 people that work for that company, kinda sucks that there might be potentially PCs running on Apple software in the future instead of Macs o.o (not like people don't do it now already..)
Yea Psystar has been in operation for a while now...

I personally wouldn't mind Apple slapped around in court...and I am definitely a mac fan boy...but I doubt it'll happen.

Seems unfair with all the crap they give Vista...I remember when OSX first came out...I installed it...and subsequently reformatted my Powerbook and reinstalled OS9.

I think an antitrust case against Apple would be more successful with their ipod/itunes integration. But their market share of the PC market isn't high enough to warrant said action...yet.