Anyone I know from way back when...


Noobie once again
Hey all, For those of you who don't remember, my character name was Reslond, PLD for TheNakama, and I had quit quite some time ago (two years and half I think). I've been lurking around the forums and such for people I used to play with before I quit and I decided to post on here too just incase some people are still around (IE Garret, one of my favorite Paladin fellows) and inform them that I'll be coming back eventually. Additionally, since my current place of Habitation is Japan I was wondering if anyone in Ultima or on these forums can give me any info on the Japanese version if anyone uses it, such as an major differences (other than the obvious). Thanks, and I hope to see all of you in game sometime in a month or so!
Shoot Aang a PM, I'm pretty sure he dabbles with the JP client.
I remember you and I responded to your PM with your answers about the JP client.

Couple of other notes that I did not add:

If you so chose to use a NA account in Japan, you can do so. I use a Japanese credit card to pay for my NA accounts.

If you want to play in Japanese, of course... that's not a problem. You *CAN* install the Japanese client for FF11 and then download the NA POL client so that you can have the game in English.

My issues with Japanese in FF11:

1) If you don't know some of the Kanji, can be a pain in the ass. As I have been told, some of the kanji in the game is older and often not used these days.

2) If you know hiragana/katakana 100%, then you'll be mostly ok.

And for god sakes, look me up online (Aangliceus or Cati in-game @ Valefor) or let me know when you'll play... I'll level some lowbie stuff with you as the linkshell is empty/quiet during my normal play time in Japan. (I work normal hours in Tokyo, but going back to America for Christmas on 12/19.)

See ya around!