Any Players Who Role Play As Iconic Ff Characters

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I'm looking to start a FC for only players who role play as iconic Final Fantasy characters ..
I play as a Lightning clone, my character's name is Lyghtning Farron, I'm in Brynhildr (Crystal)
If you play on that server or plan to start and your character is a clone/cosplay of an iconic ff character (Squall, Noctis, Cloud, etc.) shoot me a friend request or a "Tell"
I'd love to play this game with fellow gamers/fans who role play as their favorite ff character.
My Lyghtning is a level 60 Paladin but I'm perfectly fine teaming up with new players, players who maybe starting anew, or even players who have been in the game for awhile.
Hopefully I'll get some feedback, this could be a lot of fun!

Thanks everyone XD

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