Hear ye, hear ye, citizens of Vana'diel! The results of the Mog Bonanza Homecoming are in!
The winning numbers are available for all to see on the system message when logging in to FINAL FANTASY XI, and can also be viewed by speaking to the Bonanza Moogle.
Lucky winners can redeem their prizes from the Bonanza Moogle from Tuesday, March 12 at 12:00 AM (PST) to Tuesday, March 26 at the same time.
* Bonanza Moogle Locations
Port San d'Oria (I-9), Port Bastok (L-8), Port Windurst (F-6), Chocobo Circuit (H-8)
Read on for a refresher on the Mog Bonanza Homecoming.
* All Mog Bonanza prizes consist of gil or in-game items. They have no value outside of the game.
The winning numbers are available for all to see on the system message when logging in to FINAL FANTASY XI, and can also be viewed by speaking to the Bonanza Moogle.
Lucky winners can redeem their prizes from the Bonanza Moogle from Tuesday, March 12 at 12:00 AM (PST) to Tuesday, March 26 at the same time.
* Bonanza Moogle Locations
Port San d'Oria (I-9), Port Bastok (L-8), Port Windurst (F-6), Chocobo Circuit (H-8)
Read on for a refresher on the Mog Bonanza Homecoming.
* All Mog Bonanza prizes consist of gil or in-game items. They have no value outside of the game.