Merry Starlight, everyone!
The wicked witches of the west have been expelled from their Halloween mischief, and now the year's end is close at hand.
Yet there is one last hurrah to close out the winter season. That's right—Starlight Celebration!
In celebration of this yearly reverie, merrymakers throughout Vana'diel have prepared wonderful presents for the adventurers of the land. Of course, all things come with a price...
And as always, the MHMU has given its all to bring the festivities to you.
Read on to see their trials and tribulations in making this Celestial Nights the best one yet.
The wicked witches of the west have been expelled from their Halloween mischief, and now the year's end is close at hand.
Yet there is one last hurrah to close out the winter season. That's right—Starlight Celebration!
In celebration of this yearly reverie, merrymakers throughout Vana'diel have prepared wonderful presents for the adventurers of the land. Of course, all things come with a price...
And as always, the MHMU has given its all to bring the festivities to you.
Read on to see their trials and tribulations in making this Celestial Nights the best one yet.