The aromas of confession connoting confections have begun a-wafting through the air, which can only mean the approach of another Valentione's Day, kupo!
While it hasn't always been so in Vana'diel, amorous admirers nowadays announce their ardor with a gift of chocolate. Hopefully chocolatiers haven't been too harried by the humongous demand this year, kupo.
Moreover, each year myriad adventurers like you manage to make marvelous matches for love-struck citizens throughout the three nations, kupo.
Thanks to your enduring efforts, Vana'diel's a veritable vallation against loneliness!
It seems the goddess smiles on some and glowers at others, however, for a distraught duo discuss dissolving their relationship on this day of devotion. Whatever could the problem be, kupo?
Read on for a tale of two troubled Tarus on their anniversary day.
While it hasn't always been so in Vana'diel, amorous admirers nowadays announce their ardor with a gift of chocolate. Hopefully chocolatiers haven't been too harried by the humongous demand this year, kupo.
Moreover, each year myriad adventurers like you manage to make marvelous matches for love-struck citizens throughout the three nations, kupo.
Thanks to your enduring efforts, Vana'diel's a veritable vallation against loneliness!
It seems the goddess smiles on some and glowers at others, however, for a distraught duo discuss dissolving their relationship on this day of devotion. Whatever could the problem be, kupo?
Read on for a tale of two troubled Tarus on their anniversary day.