Almost To Lv 30... So Far So Good! (no Spoilers)

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Yo! Returning player here. I got to lv 11 as a falafell GLA before stopping for a long time, and just now picking it back up! Really enjoying the game so far! The combat is engaging, story is so far holding my interest (however I tend to get distracted by side quests, haha). I made it my goal this weekend to get my chocobo, and I finally did! The chocobo has always been a favorite creature of mine, since I was a kid.... Idk why but something about them just really piques my imagination! Doubt I'll do much mount hunting in this game, as... Chocobo is already the king (unless there's some fancy chocobo that I can unlock ) In any case, I am super impressed so far! And I intend to keep playing the game until at least lv 50, and then I'll re-assess. (I tend to get sucked into this sort of thing, so as long as I can moderate myself... I should be ok)

I digress...

The emersion is amazing. And that's important, especially for a game that you invest so much time in. I played WoW a while back, and something about it... Idk, maybe the art style? Just really ruined the emersion for me! The only reason I played until max lv in that game was because my friends were way into it, and I didn't want to miss out... But it took me waaaaay longer to get there. This.... Is a different story.

The music is incredible! I mean, it's a final fantasy game... of course it's good! There hasn't been a track yet that's really driven me crazy, and that's saying something for a game riddled with fetch-quests and running around the same area all the time a bunch!

The character/armor designs are exceptional! I really really loved the character creation. So many fun races, and sub-races to choose from, and all with so many GOOD looking customization options! That's so rare I feel.... Like, most character creation games are pretty bland, but I actually love my character's look! (He's covered in comically stiff looking "heavy-iron armor" now, so you can't really see him... But Its what's on the inside that counts )

I love that you can teleport... WoW didn't have that, and I hated it. Especially since the world was so unappealing to me! This game I honestly wouldn't mind just traveling on my chocobo everywhere! (...don't hold me to that though.)

Oh yeah... Gameplay! Combat is really smooth. I feel like they did a great job of explaining not only the general basics, but even the job-specifics. I am a GLA, and I know how to tank. I feel like the game prepared me for it really well! (Granted I had some knowledge from WoW, but I haven't played it in years, and I wasn't a tank!). I feel like I understand my hotbar really well! Which Is something that took me a LOOOONG time to understand in WoW.
TL:DR, I love the combat! It is fun, engaging, and satisfying. And I feel like the game prepared me for it.

Those are just a few points I'd like to put out there for anyone who is either interested in hearing what a noob has to say, or anyone who has yet to take the plunge and make an account. Thanks for reading! Merry Christmas!

P.S. (Lalafell are the superior race, hands down)

submitted by /u/jmanix98
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