All Healers Need To Have A Corresponding (maybe Limited) Job Just Like Smn/sch.

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Going through solo content as healer is disgustingly boring. There's almost 0 engagement. Only benefit may be that you can enjoy the scenery of a new area better when you're busy spamming that 1 button.

SCH & SMN has a pretty awesome 2 for 1 deal imo, since you could perhaps do solo content (going through expansion for example) with SMN and switch to SCH whenever you need to do an instance. Only potential downside would be that you need different gear for the jobs, but this shouldn't be too much of an issue.

I was wondering if perhaps the other healers could also benefit from a 2 for 1 deal? Maybe have PLD merge with WHM, AST with... idk dancer? Or have completely new dps/tank jobs (next expansion perhaps) that level together with corresponding healer job. Necromancer with White Mage would be cool, and Time Mage with Astrologian. OR they could perhaps release them as limited jobs just like blue mage (without level cap) which can't be used in instanced content. So you could use the corresponding limited job in solo content and then switch to the main job for instances (of course I'd prefer them not being limited jobs).

Healers arguably need more complex dps rotation in general, but it will likely never be as engaging as tanks and dps, so they are destined to have a lesser experience in solo content.

Other MMO's like WoW have the specialization system as a solution, wherein every healing class also has a dps spec they can switch to while leveling the same class (gear also adjusts itself when switching between specs IIRC, at least when you are leveling). In ESO every class can be built for each role. In FFXIV you can play all jobs on 1 character which is perhaps the superior system according to most. The problem is that you level each job separately (except for SMN/SCH), which is a good thing of course, except for people who want to main healers.

Leveling 2 jobs at the same time while you are for example going through an expansion would probably be awkward. You could I guess go through whole expansion with a dps/tank and then at the end level the healer (you wanted to main), but that will mean that your first experience in some trials and dungeons won't be played by your favorite role.

What do you think? Would the game benefit for having corresponding jobs for all healers? If so, which jobs (ingame or yet to be released)? How should it work?

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