Akihabara Stabbing Spree


Kitteh's Meow
Here are some links about the Akihabara stabbing spree that happened today. This intersection is about 1 block from my apartment, we were home at the time when it happened...

http://www.akibanana.com/ (Local Akiba Reporting Site, English)

http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/25026870/ (MSNBC)

http://www.japantoday.com/category/...ers-hit-by-assailants-car-on-akihabara-street (JT Article, English)

http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/videonews/jnn/20080608/20080608-00000027-jnn-soci.html (TBS News Video, Japanese)

http://fodder.ultimals.com/tokyo/akihabara.jpg (Fodder's Picture, exactly where it happened...)

Cliff Notes:

Guy rents truck from Shizuoka (about a 4-5 hour drive) he drives to Akihabara, rams his truck into pedestrians and then gets out to start stabbing anyone while walking towards JR Akihabara Train Station.

7 people dead, 11 more injured. Guy was captured shortly after all this happened. Says he was tired of the world... :arg:

Absolutely Retarded.
7 people dead, 11 more injured. Guy was captured shortly after all this happened. Says he was tired of the world... :arg:
If he was tired of the world, he needed to stab HIMSELF... leave humanity out of his personal problems. :( Still shoddy. Ugh.
If he was tired of the world, he needed to stab HIMSELF... leave humanity out of his personal problems. :( Still shoddy. Ugh.

Way too many people get this grand idea that its a good idea to rape / maim / kill others before they take themselves out.. not sure if this guy was planning to do himself in too... but have seen many a 'What would you do if you're going to die in 24 hours" thread and almost every reply has to do with remorseless killing or similar acts of retardedness... sure, you can't get 'punished' for it, but I'd like to think that we, as humans, avoid that type of behavior (savagery) for more than just fear of being punished for it... /sigh