Ahh, Mordian Gaol


Die Recently?
As I was cleaning out my desktop (lol, this pic is almost 2 years old) I ran into this screenshot I took during my three-day stint in jail...


I like how you can't use items (Scroll of instant warp) and how you can't use magic (warp or teleport) in Mordian.
Perhpas if I spkoe liek thiss, I shuold be bannd four 72 hours as wel?

If someone is going to sit there and punish you, at least SE should provide you with a semi-intellectual that at least has the english skills of a 5 year old.

Oh yeah, you must tell of your situation that brought you to this point.

Na, not fish botting, thats just boring, lol...i was using a speed hack that gave me incredible speed, run faster then a choco in town? Yes, Please. How about on a choco, get from jeuno > mert mt in less then 10 seconds? Yes, Please. Get warped to Mordian Gaol when running around the Wadi.........No thanks.

I thought the game glitched out on me, i was on the geyser, when i landed up top I was 'zoned' into Mordian Gaol..imagine my surprise as a noob to be placed in a room about x2 as big as a mog house with no exit, just four walls. Yes I was trying to get out, I was more freaked out that there was no way out and didnt have any warp item, no way to die. I paced around and saw the room was totally empty. That didnt last for too long till this guy appears in front of me, first time i ever saw a GM..and it was just me and him. That 'aura' that he has is very creepy, moreso in that place, lol.

He ranted about using third party programs, and what third party program I was using and how I was doing it, I told him how, blah blah blah. He also said I was being watched by other GMs for a few days..that freaked me out.

But yeah, all in all, it was worth the fun and worth the 72 hour ban, I kept using the excuse in parties, "its something that a japanese player casted on me, i dont know what it is" funny thing is everyone believed me, lol.

I explored alot with that speed, I started off in bastok, and was in the dunes at a very low level, I zoned into gustav when i was level 6 or 7, I got to sandoria around that level as well. Hell, I made it through jugner all the way to batallia without a map for either zone and wound up killing myself because i was so lost.

And yes, what I was doing still works to this day (well, its still worked after that 'fix' they did for speed hacks), but a marker was put on my account, if found doing it again, I would get an account ban.

So yeah thats my little story of my time spent in jail. :bfg:

(don't ask how I was doing it, lol)