Aethryte Tickets

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i've noticed that this item up til now has been strictly locked too the grand company and hunt system in ARR(A Realm Reborn) and HW(Heavensward) but not continued to the newer expansions an i suppose this could be due to it being a precious resource to newer players and all that but it would also be a godsend for players at endgame as well who are more casual oriented.
an what i mean by that is players who do gathering, sightseeing, and gpose tend to travel alot to different places with in Eitherys(Hydaelyn) and i think it would be of good benefit to them. cause typically these are the bottom line who just login maybe once daily or twice a week
so my request here would to expand this item to the newer hunt vendors as well starting with Shadowbringer's hunt Clan and continueing up to the latest Tural hunter clan which all utilize the newest exchange currency "sacks of nuts"

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