Aetherytes are a fantastic method of travel in the game, but they need to be optimized a bit better. Areas like "Coerthas Western Highlands", "The Ruby Sea", and, more recently, "Urqopacha" have their aetherytes on one side of the map with a vast expanse to travel on foot or by flying. This is fine for the purposes of story progression, but once you\\'ve finished those areas, travel is still a burden, even with flying.
My proposal: Individual areas in future expansions (or even go back and add them to older areas too) would have a single aetheryte with aethernet shards like the cities that players can activate as they progress.
This would reduce the amount of time in which players aren\\'t actively engaged with content and increase playtime productivity, especially for players who don\\'t have as much time to play the game as others.
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My proposal: Individual areas in future expansions (or even go back and add them to older areas too) would have a single aetheryte with aethernet shards like the cities that players can activate as they progress.
This would reduce the amount of time in which players aren\\'t actively engaged with content and increase playtime productivity, especially for players who don\\'t have as much time to play the game as others.
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