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I just wanted to solicite some advice from you all. Right now I'm torn between which I enjoy more.. my Machinist and my Red Mage. The way I see it here are the pros and cons.. you tell me who you'd prefer to play and which you'd prefer to have in e raid/dungeon,.. thanks!

RDM - Pros: Doing better on DPS now and somewhat mobile with a heal and a rez to
salvage groups in a clinch and look great with really good surviviability.
and now doing more DPS than Machinist.
Cons: still penalized a bit too much for having a heal and rez but I wouldn't have
it any other way, should be doing better DPS.

Machinist - Pros: ok DPS, very mobile and great burst DPS and looks good as well.
Seems to play alot smoother and cleaner, for me, than RDM.
Cons: for a selfish DPS job, they really should be doing much more DPS,
I'm hoping SE will realize this eventually and fix it. Only 1 semi useful
utility with the same affects of Shield Samba and others on a very
long cool down

Let me know what you think and before you answer, yes I have fun with both, but I prefer to focus on one. Also basically wanted to know your opinions.. thanks!

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