Add effects.

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Non-Validated User
Does this parser record additional effects?

like the H2H weps with 100% en area?

thanks in adv
It does, but it will report them somewhat inaccurately with a lot of Battle spam. All parsers are the same in this respect, and there's not really anything that can be done about it. messages come in out of order sometimes (especially additional effects), and it just happens.
It does, but it will report them somewhat inaccurately with a lot of Battle spam. All parsers are the same in this respect, and there's not really anything that can be done about it. messages come in out of order sometimes (especially additional effects), and it just happens.

I wonder if there was some deep technical reason that weapon procs don't have the same conversation number as the weapon damage that proc'd them, or if it was just an oversight.

It might explain why they don't create hate.
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