Accessibility Issue - Target Filtering Is Amazing, But No Options For R1/l1?

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Hello, I'm a relatively new player who has been thoroughly impressed by the game's vast controller options, but I'm feeling a bit confused as to why there don't appear to be any target filtering options for players using R1/L1 (or RB/LB for xbox controllers) to target enemies in combat.

Despite there being options for d-pad targeting to apply different filters based on if you weapon is sheathed or not (allowing, for example, a player to only target engaged enemies once in combat), using R1/L1 while accessing the crosshotbar is permanently set to cycle through all onscreen enemies, even ones that are not aggressive.

This is causing me a bit of an accessibility concern. I have some minor coordination issues that make targeting with the d-pad mid combat to be quite difficult, but it is also my only option if I want to make sure that I don't accidentally target a nearby, non-hostile enemy. If I want to use the inputs that are significantly easier for me, I instead need to awkwardly maneuver the camera so that no other enemies are on screen, which can also be difficult. It is very frustrating for me because I know that the code exists in the game to target exactly what I want to target, but the option to have it on my preferred input is not available, despite the otherwise very expansive UI options. If there was an option to enable target filtering for R1/L1 while your weapon is sheathed / drawn it would greatly improve my ability to play.

I'm not sure if this is the sort of place to be asking about potential accessibility features, but I just wanted to make a thread on the slight chance it might get seen by Square, or for any other players with other accessibility concerns they've never felt they had a space to voice. Are there any small settings that you would like to see that would make the game more playable for you?

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