About Keeping Aggro When There's Two Tanks...

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I started playing with this raid tier, and I only tanked once my character hit ShB, so I might be in the wrong here. However, I like to think my mechanics are pretty solid in Eden Savage fights (can main and off tank all fights and my dps is good).

So, I've cleared Hades on all roles, but I don't have every class unlocked. I don't have GNB, but I hear their damage is good this patch. When both tanks start out with tank stance and their ranged attack, aggro is kind of up in the air right? I lost aggro as a BiS DRK after messing up just 1 of my double weaves and the GNB with a Hades weapon took it, which made the Hades EX tank buster kill the entire party.

I got flamed for "not having tank stance on" (I did) and the off tank was being kind of condescending, telling me to hurry up and pull and to stop sucking. He wanted me to accept my fuck up and move on, but I just wanted him to turn on tank stance later or shirk me early. I left before another pull because I decided I wasn't having fun, he went like "and nothing of value was lost"

I'm pretty upset and hurt right now, but I'm wondering if he's right? Am I playing DRK wrong if I'm losing aggro to him? I'm using the opener I found on the Balance discord (minus food and pots). Is that not the right one to be using?

submitted by /u/anon296451840
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