A Simple 'to-do' List For New Raiders/players!

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Hey Reddit! It's been so long since I last shared my experiences with other new players and I felt bad for not being able to keep all our NEW players up-to-date with some HONEST (maybe not super top notch) thoughts and opinions about my own experience and some advice/tips and tricks that I'd like to share with all of you!

It's been 1 year already since I first started playing this game and every time I log in, I'm always having fun whether if it's crafting or gathering or just doing my daily quests!

Since 5.4 is around the corner, I made a video expressing my thoughts and personal experiences for fairly NEW raiders (or players in general) on what they could do to prepare themselves for the upcoming NEW Eden's raid tier!

Again, my advice may not be the best, but I do hope this can somewhat give NEW players/raiders a general idea on what they could do get themselves prepared for the upcoming new tier!

Feel free to drop any other suggestions in the comment box on my channel too so new players can get more ideas on what they could do to prepare for each new raiding tier!

VIDEO LINK : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARh3NmC2EY0&ab_channel=Lexie

I do have another video coming up soon which is for NON RAIDERS too! A friend and I collab'd to make the video because I figured not everyone wants to be raiders and that being a non savage raider can also get a lot of profit just by playing the game!

I hope to get any constructive feedback from all of you so I can provide more videos like this that will be helpful to NEW players that are coming into Eorzea!! ♥

submitted by /u/lexie634
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