A Severe Bug in FRU Final Phase

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Area and coordinates: Futures Rewritten (Ultimate)

In the final phase of FRU, during the Polarizing Strikes mechanism, the angles of the light or dark beams (Cruel Path of Light/Darkness linear AoEs) are often inconsistent between their two casts. This likely stems from the angles being assessed at different moments for each cast. The game displays both of the two casts of the same beam based on the angle from the first cast, but the second AoE is actually released at an angle different from the visual effect, while we believe it should be at the same angle.

The observed deviation in angle can be as much as 30 degrees, leading players to unexpectedly receive damage from the second beam while positioned between the visual effects of the light and dark beams, where they appeared to be safe. When this happens, it seems that nothing visually hits the player, and the player has already moved out of the AoE early enough, but they still receives the damage and the Damage Down debuff.

This bug has been confirmed multiple times and with multiple methods, and this inconsistency is certainly not a result of network latency or moving late.

Here is a related video (at 1:10), although not in English, but the video is enough to demonstrate the issue:

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