A Future Update To Post Flairs & Filters (12/31/19)

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We wanted to give you folks a heads up about these changes and provide an opportunity for any feedback you might have. These changes will be implemented on 12/31/19.

In a little over a week from now, we'll be implementing numerous changes to the available post flairs and post filters. It's been a while since r/ffxiv has seen any significant post flair changes. The subreddit has grown significantly since then and it's obvious that an update is needed; there's overlap, muddled meanings, seldom used post flairs, and so on. Shoutout to u/MrFancyPantsVT for their suggestions on r/ffxivmeta!

Post flairs

Here are the maJor changes:

  • [Fanart] is now split into two post flairs.
    • [Fanart] is now [Fanart - Found/non-OC]. If you've found or paid for some great artwork, you're very welcome to share it with the subreddit using this flair! However, you must include the name of the artist in the post title or failing that a link to where you found it in a comment on the same post.
    • [Fanart - OC] has been added. Are you an artist sharing your gorgeous artwork, fancy cosplay, or shiny handmade trinkets with the subreddit? Awesome, you don't need to include your name in the post title or provide any links. But you must use this post flair (not the other one!) and not advertise any artwork commissioning services (For more details, read the explanation for rule 6).
    • Both of these post flairs can of course be filtered. We're very aware that some readers of the subreddit don't mind OC art at all, but would prefer to not see art that someone has discovered or paid for.
  • [Event] type post flairs have been updated.
    • Currently [Event] is used for all manner of events, official and unofficial, in-game and IRL. We've expanded the event type post flairs to make it more obvious what kind of event a post is about.
    • [in-game Event] has been added. Putting on a show, celebrating Starlight with other players, cheering on fellow crafters? Use this flair!
    • Along with this new post flair, existing event type post flairs have been renamed: [Event] > [Event - Expo/Meetup], [E3] > [Event - E3], [PAX] > [Event - PAX], [Fanfest] > [Event - Fanfest]. Note: Those last three are automatically assigned.
  • [Discussion] type post flairs have been updated.
    • [Theorycraft] is now [End-game Discussion].
    • [Lore] is now [Lore Discussion].
  • The intended usage of each post flair is now detailed on the flairs wiki page.
  • Post flair is now a requirement when submitting using the new version of Reddit.

There are some minor changes too:

  • [Question] has a different colour to distinguish it from [Discussion] type posts.
  • [Media] is now [Video].
  • [Screenshot] is now [Image].
  • [Sale] is now available to all instead of being mod-only.

In summary, here are the old flairs compared to the new flairs, grouped by colour.


[News], [Interview] [Discussion], [Question] [Lore], [Theorycraft] [Event], [E3], [PAX], [Fanfest] [Guide] [Media], [Fanart], [Screenshot] [Comedy], [Meme], [Fluff] [Tech Support] [Meta] [Sale]


[News], [Interview] [Discussion], [End-game Discussion], [Lore Discussion] [Question] [Guide] [In-game Event], [Event - Expo/Meetup], [Event - E3], [Event - PAX], [Event - Fanfest] [Video], [Image], [Fanart - OC], [Fanart - Found/non-OC] [Comedy], [Meme], [Fluff] [Tech Support] [Meta] [Sale]

So, what about those other flairs I've seen?

There are a couple of other flairs that haven't been mentioned in the changes and it's not really documented anywhere what they're for. So here goes:

  • [Fluff] - This applies to any post that doesn't invite a whole lot of discussion and doesn't really fit into any of the other available post flairs.
  • [Meta] - This is for discussion about the actual subreddit, such as changes you'd like to see. And not for in-game meta discussion, such as how much DPS different healers should be doing.
  • :moogle: - This post flair is applied to all of the weekly threads and the daily questions & FAQ thread. It's an easy way to search for those types of posts and allows us to distinguish them from other posts.

Note: All post flairs are now explained on this wiki page.

Post filters

Of course, these changes mean that the post filters that are available on the desktop version of Reddit need updating.

We know that the solution to filtering posts using Reddit's legacy search system or CSS hacks isn't great, but unfortunately it's the best we can do. We've been pestering the Reddit Admins about a native post filter system just a little, a tiny bit, a really small amount. Earlier this week they announced upcoming changes to native post filters, but disappointingly these only apply to the new version of Reddit and are simply a new iteration of the post flairs widget; the only benefit this provides over the existing widget is keeping subreddit styling instead of taking you to a search page when you click on a post flair.

Because of the post flair changes detailed above, the legacy search & CSS hack post flair filters we provide have been updated. Here's a quick comparison between the old and the new.


News Shows: [News], [Interview] Major Events Shows: [Event], [Fanfest], [PAX], [E3] Lore & Theorycraft Shows: [Lore], [Theorycraft] Weekly Threads Shows: [Weekly Thread] Hide Filler Hides: [Media], [Screenshot], [Fanart], [Fluff], [Comedy] Hide Media Hides: [Media], [Screenshot], [Fanart] Hide Fanart Hides: [Fanart] Hide Questions Hides: [Question] Hide Memes Hides: [Meme] (more) Links to wiki page


News Shows: [News], [Interview] Discussions Shows: [Discussion], [End-game Discussion], [Lore Discussion], [Guide] Events Shows: [In-game Event], [Event - Expo/Meetup], and the E3/PAX/Fanfest flairs Media Shows: [Video], [Image], [Fanart - OC], [Fanart - Found/non-OC] Jokes n' Memes Shows: [Comedy], [Meme] Weekly Threads Shows: [Weekly Thread] Hide Filler Hides: [Video], [Image], [Fanart - OC], [Fanart - Found/non-OC], [Comedy], [Meme], [Fluff] Hide non-OC Fanart Hides: [Fanart - Found/non-OC] (more) Links to wiki page
Thanks for reading and happy holidays!
submitted by /u/Ven_ae
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